• skiff
  • March 18, 2013 4:03 pm

With Praise and Thanks

Look into their amazing lives of service to community.

https://youtu.be/aKzcJUfZhm0 shorter memorial w/



All the United States senators who on April 17th (2013!) voted against controls on assault weapons, high capacity bullet clips, and strict background checks for gun purchasers:
Lamar Alexander R TN
Kelly Ayotte R NH
John Barrasso R WY
Max Baucus D MT
Mark Begich D AK
Roy Blunt R MO
John Boozman R AR
Richard M. Burr R NC
Saxby Chambliss R GA
Daniel Coats R IN
Tom Coburn R OK
Thad Cochran R MS
Bob Corker R TN
John Cornyn R TX
Michael Crapo R ID
Ted Cruz R TX
Michael B. Enzi R WY
Deb Fischer R NE
Jeff Flake R AZ
Lindsey Graham R SC
Chuck Grassley R IA
Orrin G. Hatch R UT
Heidi Heitkamp D ND
Dean Heller R NV
John Hoeven R ND
James M. Inhofe R OK
Johnny Isakson R GA
Mike Johanns R NE
Ron Johnson R WI
Mike Lee R UT
Mitch McConnell R KY
Jerry Moran R KS
Lisa Murkowski R AK
Rand Paul R KY
Rob Portman R OH
Mark Pryor D AR
Harry Reid* D NV
Jim Risch R ID
Pat Roberts R KS
Marco Rubio R FL
Tim Scott R SC
Jeff Sessions R AL
Richard Shelby R AL
John Thune R SD
David Vitter R LA
Roger Wicker R MS

Are you a United States citizen angry about your government representatives voting in favor of the gun lobby and against sensible gun controls? 90% of the U.S. public wants more strict gun control laws. But the above listed U.S. Senators voted against gun controls. If your senator is on the list, contact them now.

This link gives you a list of the entire Senate where you can find your senator’s email address.


Write to your senator.

You may phone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.

Call them up and complain, it is your right.


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